J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Red Car


From Reid Cunningham: "Cutting through a parking lot to an appointment in Manchester NH, I became across this driver-quality MGB. I've said before that I like these rubber-bumper MGB's. This one has a decent un-restored body and a regular plate which makes me think it's a frequent summer driver. The interior was in good condition too. Fresh paint and new center caps for the wheels would really make this one nice. With the "unleaded only" decal around the gas cap this is a later 70's version. It makes me wonder how long manufacturers added these reminders to cars."

AL: Reid caught an earlier-edition MGB a while back.  And any red MG (whether a -B, a -TD or (especially) a -TC )brings many of us back to that what would now be called YA novel, The Red Car, by Don Stanford. Let us know if you are able to track down a hard copy.


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