Not sure of the date on this baby. We posted a 1974 Wagoneer from NJ last summer. A 1972? Wagoneer in Portland, Maine. And another Wagoneer out in LA. And a 1964 Jeep Wagoneer in Colorado Springs.
Trucks, cars, highways, landscape, good writing. "You cannot travel on the path, before you have become the Path itself."
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Friday, July 29, 2022
1966 Chevrolet C-10. Sedgwick, Maine
Saw the truck at the Eggemoggin Store, not far from the Deer Isle Bridge. Owner had just driven it from the West Coast.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
c. 1978 Toyota FJ 40
from Reid Cunningham: I came across this in Franklin NH. It's looks to be a rolling restoration, the paint fresh and the details a work in progress. My Great Aunt Peg drove a red FJ with a white hardtop. When we visited her in Center County PA she would take us up up the dirt roads that cut through the mountains to remote fields she knew for berry-picking. She had grown up very poor and had become a teacher at a one room school house to make some money for the extended family. She could cook up a storm all from memory, kept a big garden for years, canned, made jam, made her own clothes. A marriage late in life brought her some security and a husband who bought her the Toyota. She called her manual shift FJ "Bruiser".
AL: here's another FJ40 posted form Coloradoa while back.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Beasts of Burden
From Alex Emond in Saskatchewan: There always seems to be one or two old farm trucks lurking in every prairie town. Still good for hauling leaves and branches, or old shingles...trips to the dump. Ready, willing and able despite being 70 years old. Here are just a few examples.
AL: Then there's ex-Alberta grainer Toby Clark and I drove from Banff to Big Bend, r/t.
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Mazda 2200
Monday, July 25, 2022
1987 Chevrolet R20 Stepside

Friday, July 22, 2022
Thursday, July 21, 2022
1972 Dodge D-series
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Pilgrim on This Road.
Maybe you didn't know that Autoliterate had its own anthem. It' s called Pilgrim, and you are invited to sing along