J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

from Alex Emond, in southern Saskatchewan: "Here are some images from Eastend (see Wallace Stegner's Wolf Willow) and just a little north-west along the Frenchman River . 
I poked my nose into the semi-ghost town of Ravenscrag . No stores , no services but tons of history and so damn beautiful .
This Fargo truck is not really that far gone ... compared to a lot of "restoration " projects ... the body is really nice . As for these other relics, from the mid-30's... they look fine just where they are .
Jack's Cafe is still going strong ... newer Greek owners but the interior still has that wrap around folk art mural with the history of the S.W. shown , from Buffalo Jump to windmills , tractors and schools. A la Grandma Moses .
There is a tiny Anglican Church tucked away on a residential street that has a lot going for it but it needs some work and soon. Hope they can scrape up a few dollars and get busy. Cheers"--

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