J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Grizzly Torque: The Land Rover & Robert Bateman

RMB painting the LR in Nigeria
Maybe you remember our encounter with the internationally recognized wildlife artist Robert Bateman on a ferry landing in British Columbia last fall. RB celebrated his 85th birthday with his boyhood friend Bristol Foster in late May by opening the Rover Boys exhibit at the Robert Bateman Centre in Victoria, BC. It features a film, photographs, sketches and letters from a driving trip around the world they took nearly 60 years ago. The special order 1957 Land Rover they piloted 60,000 kilometres from England through west and equatorial Africa, India, Southeast Asia and Australia over 14 months will also be there.The story of that Land Rover’s discovery in the bush outside Williams Lake BC after the pair of ardent Land Rover enthusiasts looked in vain for it for decades would make a book in itself. Bateman and Foster have been friends since they were teenage members of a naturalist club at Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum...
Thanks to my cousin, Aimee Ippersiel, Director of the RB Centre for the heads-up on this exhibit.
Lost & Found
The Ur-SUV
Picking up the L-R in England
Day of the Iguana

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