J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Alberta Floods, Alberta Tar Sands, & Satan

For the last week the Canadian West has been flooded with all the rain that Colorado and the American West has not been getting. The city of Calgary has been pretty much shut down. This report from our man just upstream in Banff, Alex Emond:
"This vanity plate caught my eye. And all this time I thought Satan was an American. (ed. note: in Maine, there have been unsubstantiated rumors that Satan, in fact, lives in the Alberta tar sands.) Here are a few shots of the deluge. Compared to almost anywhere further downstream Banff got off pretty easy. I hear that dozens of backcountry bridges are gone and sections of trail throughout the park washed away. You can see in the overview shot how flooded Martin's Stables is and how the first Vermilion Lake is spilling over the CPR line. Bow Falls was downright gnarly for a full day, just mud-coloured madness moving really fast. The town has been really quiet ... for summer in Banff it is almost eerie." -AE

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