...and sometimes just feels like The North...
We stayed chez les cousins and had a wonderful time. Drove back to Maine on New Year's Day. Dropped the Pacifica at the Enterprise lot in Ellsworth, Maine, transferred all gear to the Volvo, and started for home, but the poor Volvo immediately felt...wrong. Coughing, bucking, sputtering....it felt like something was deeply, seriously, engine-gone-bad wrong. Stalled at a busy intersection between Home Depot and US 1. Pouring cold rain. While we waited for the AAA tow truck, I stood out directing traffic around us, and (this is Maine) 2 different cars pulled up and drivers asked if we needed help. Finally, a cop parked behind us with blue lights on, steering traffic away. We got the car towed to a garage we knew but it was New Year's Day; everything was closed. Had a friend from Brooklin pick us up and drive us the last 20 miles home. We called the garage in Ellsworth the next morning; they were not interested in working on a sick 27-year-old Volvo. Okay. We made the trip to Ellsworth with a Brooklin friend with a trailer. He did some looking around (it's incredibly hard to get the distributor cap off a Volvo 850, especially at wind-chill 6F), then he winched (with a come-along) and I pushed the car up onto his trailer...
...and weather in Maine was clear, cold and dry, so we extracted the truck from Bill Grant's boat shed, where she had been stored in a hurry a couple weeks back, on a day when roads in Sedgwick were a slurry of sand and road salt. Took her up to the carwash at Blue Hill, cleaned her up, settled her back in the shed until April...
...then spotted the first Novi we've ever seen in Center Harbor, later this morning. Those immigrants! Next thing you know, they'll be calling it Centre Harbour. What's next? Healthcare?