from Alex Emond in south Saskatchewan: Here's a restored '64 Mercury half ton. I caught this in a little town called Sceptre, gateway to the Great Sand Hills . Theres a fairly big area of sand dunes and dry country just south of there and north of the trans Canada Hwy. Lots of antelope and deer and hawks . Lots of oil industry , like pumps and wells too. Nice clean-looking truck. Cheers , Alex
Trucks, cars, highways, landscape, good writing. "You cannot travel on the path, before you have become the Path itself."
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Stone schoolhouse. Lower Shell, Big Horn County, Wyoming
photo: David Branch
From David Branch, on the road: I'm traveling through Colorado, Wyoming, Montana. I came up here for a job that fell through so I've just made a trip of it before heading back to Texas. Man, one forgets (or knows somewhere but doesn't always refresh) how beautiful this country is. I've stayed largely away from the interstate and from cities if I can help it. Sleeping in the truck or tent way back in the sticks. Haven't had a lot of reception and in fact have been happy to have the phone at second thought. But, of course there are trucks and cars aplenty. Sometimes loathe to be the guy in the yard with a camera, though I often want to be. After a week I'm starting to slow down a bit. Walk around. Still, yesterday I was trying to make time getting within striking distance of Missoula where I'll collect my lady from the airport. She'll drive back with me to Texas. Perhaps more autos will be forthcoming. I've tapped out most everything in the Marfa surrounds. Not that there aren't cars undocumented but I've gone stale. It's good to see new light. I wake up this morning on the banks of the Jefferson River in Montana, headwaters of the Missouri. Geese, Hawks, beer cans. I wonder if Lewis & Clark took their time or felt in a hurry?--DB
"The Lower Shell
Schoolhouse was one of the first non-log community buildings built in the Big
Horn Basin. Using a classic one room schoolhouse design, it was constructed on
this site in 1903 on land which had been donated to the Odessa School District.
The school district was named for the nearby Odessa Post Office which had
operated from 1891 to 1895. Local homesteaders quarried sandstone from the
surrounding hills and assisted in the construction of the 24’ by 46’ building.
During the 1905-1906 school year forty students were enrolled here
demonstrating the early settlers’ high regard for education...." from
Ultimate Wyoming
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Dodge Rampage 2.2.
from Alex Emond, in south Saskatchewan: "Remember these? Me neither. The 2.2 refers to the engine size but it could also describe the number of years that it was in production ... poor sales led to it's demise. It was front-wheel drive. Not exactly an El Camino, still it caught my eye, in Swift Current' mainly because it is pretty rare and almost 40 years old. Cheers .
Monday, August 28, 2017
1961 Chrysler New Yorker
The car is on Deer Isle, Maine. Chrysler was nearing the end of Virgil Exner's era and the designer's Forward Look era was getting...baroque. Here comes the Batmobile. The '61 New Yorker station wagon below was for sale on Hemmings last winter. Did you see our post on 1961 as the annus mirabilis of Detroit style?
Sunday, August 27, 2017
1966 Ford F200 Grainer
Photo from Alex Emond in Saskatchewan. A grainer is a truck used to haul grain, either from the combines in the fields to the grainery bins on the farm, or from the farm to the grain elevators on the railway line in town. My first short story published in the US was "Vulcan" which drew on my experience driving a grainer on the wheat harvest in Olds, Alberta. Can't find that one online (it's in my story collection Travelling Light) but there is this essay, Father's Son, from Brick, about me and my old man and The West.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
1975 Ford F250 Ranger. Greybull, Wyoming.
photo: David Branch.
Friday, August 25, 2017
1952 Chevrolet 3100, Stonington, Maine.
Stonington. We had just come in on the mailboat after a couple of days on Isle au Haut.
Eastern Head, Isle au Haut
Eastern Head, Isle au Haut
Thursday, August 24, 2017
1975 GMC Sierra Grande 1500
Standard issue far-West Texas antelope grill, c. 1975
With a Chevrolet tailgate. Casner of Marfa was the GM dealership, in the building that is now City Hall.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
1980 Chevrolet Malibu wagon
Looks clean. It's a three-speed manual! These were so much better-looking than the clamshells. It's for sale, in British Columbia. Craigslist
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Thank You, Mr. Herreshoff
Sprite and Cirrus in light air on Eggemoggin Reach. Below, a couple hours earlier, in Center Harbor. Those are 12 1/2's and Beetle Cats.
Monday, August 21, 2017
1950 GMC, 1953 GMC
Sunday, August 20, 2017
1916 Delage, and 3D Printing. And Strine iksents.
Check the link for the story on 3D printing a 16-cylinder engine block from a 1914 Delage racecar. Thanks to Larry Nordell who got the story from by an old Caltech buddy, Jim Sorenson. You have to be able to handle Strine iksents to listen to, and understand, the link.
No problem, myte.

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