J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Montreal (Spring Fever)

 Brick, mostly in quartier St-Henri

 Except...always a surprise to come across these litle old farmhouses in the mostly late-19th c. industrial/residential quartier, St-Henri

 Carre St-Louis.
 Carré St-Louis
 Hotel de Ville St.
 Plateau Mont-Royal

 Hotel de Ville St.

 Another surprise. I think 18th century, and atypical. Vieux Montreal. Below, as well.

 rue de la Commune.
 There's a lot of 20th c. architectural history in there.
 Nore Dame de Bonsecours. Welcome to the town, boys.
 ruelle, Vieux Montreal

 Notre Dame
Westmount Summit.

Valiant in the Snow

Plain jane, anyone?  Whoever bought it first must have driven it home, parked it the garage and lost the keys. Very clean original 1965 Valiant. I saw the car in late March, up at Motorland in Arundel, Maine. 

Friday, April 28, 2017

Chevrolet C10, Truchas NM

That was Easter morning, Truchas. Lots of people walking the highways in northern New Mexico.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

1967 Chevrolet Impala

 Road trip, northeastern New Mexico. The the '67 Impala in Walsenburg, Colorado. That was a (relatively speaking) lean, mean year for Chevy.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

3 Snow Wagons, Maine

One month ago there was snow on the ground in southern Maine, where I caught these three at Motorland, in Arundel.  I'm guessing at a 1989 Mercury Grand Marquis and a 1992 Chevrolet Caprice wagon. Then down below, a 1974 Toyota Corona Mark II