J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Grainers, wheat harvest.

Bringing in the harvest. Notre Dame de Lourdes, Manitoba.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Over Several Tops Dept.

Stephen Hendrickson caught these at a Sotheby's auction in NYC last year. Fist Bugatti we've ever had on AL.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

1959 Ranch Wagon, etc.

That's a '55 or '56 Sedan Delivery, and I know it's all about the tail lights but I can never remember which is which. They certainly had a sedan delivery thing happening at Antioch this year.
 Thanks to Michael Moore who caught these at Billetproof, The World's Least Important Car Show, at Antioch CA.
 That would be a '54 Chevy I think.

Monday, September 26, 2016

1960 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery, etc.

 Thanks to Michael Moore who found these at Billetproof, "The World's Least Important Car Show" at Antioch, CA. Above: Plymouth? or Dodge? 1955?
 Packard, thought has those Buick ports.
 El Sedan Delivery. Chevy 1960.
Would that be a 1953 Ford Ranch Wagon?

Sunday, September 25, 2016

More Rockabillies from Nova Scotia.

They have a unique aesthetic up there. Thanks to Stephen Hendrickson for the photos.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

1932 Ford Model B

Stephen Hendrickson saw the woody in PA. We've posted a couple of Ford woodies of this era, like this one in Blue Hill Maine. They all seem to come with the metal in that taupe color. The red wheels are of course great.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Street Rod. Antioch CA

I admire that post-war, lean/mean high-school-machine-shop aesthetic. In Maine we're mostly stuck on kandy colors and fuzzy dice. Remember the speed shop in Strong City Kansas? Thanks to Michael Moore who caught the car at Billetproof, in Antioch CA, "The World's Least Important Car Show"

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

1940s Chevrolet Fox Beer Truck

Does anyone know the precise model year of this Chevy truck?

The Oddfellows Hall, Brooklin, Maine

It's still for sale. The building, not the truck. The price has gone up. Still with a view of the harbor--with maybe the most beautiful collection of classic sailboats in the world. The owner is selling it but I think you'd better call Jill Knowles at the Christopher Agency.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

1959 DeSoto Firedome

 Thanks to Stephen Hendrickson, who spotted the red thing in Western PA.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Ford 800. Canton de Bedford, Dept. Feu

The truck was on a dairy farm just below the border, in E. Berkshire, Vermont. Bedford is the township just the other side of the line, in Québec--hostie, do I hate spell-check! It creates way more confusion than it's worth. It was a struggle to get it to agree to Bedford instead of "before".
I love those backroads all along the Quebec/New England borderland. Some of the sweetest, greenest country in North America (& some of the whitest and coldest in January). A border just makes everything more strange, vivid and interesting.
I feel lucky when I think of backroads I've been able to roam this year, from Mora County, New Mexico to the streets of El Paso to the Eastern Townships of Québec. The best roads are those going to places you've never heard of.


Sunday, September 18, 2016

1996 Land Rover Defender Turbo Diesel (á vendre)

The truck was for sale at Frelighsburg, Quebec, a couple of miles above the Vermont border. Price (see below) would be in Cdn$.