J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Redbrick Manhattan

I have been spending a lot of time in New York this spring, mostly in Manhattan. Always interested to catch the bones of an older city, faced in stone or brick, which still show through Manhattan steel and glass, even midtown. East Forties, above.
 E. 11th St., above & below

 Washington Square
 Chelsea, Edward Hopper Light

 Street Punk
 W. Village

Street punk and mother.
 West Village

 Upper West Side, Riverside Drive

 Upper West Side, Riverside Drive 

E. 11th St., above and below. 

 Glucksman Ireland House NYU, Fifth Avenue near Washiungton Square
 No fooling around.
 Midtown, I think. Or Upper East, 7os. 

 Woolworth Bldg.?

 Broadway, downtown. 


Woolworth Bldg. 

Midtown, East Side.

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