J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Willie's Living in the Promised Land, & Hudspeth County Texas

Sometimes it takes Willy to speak up and speak to the best part of the American tradition. You'd better listen to this video. Take that, Donald Trump! The governor of Texas shames the state but Willy speaks up for the best in Texas.
And by the way Canada is taking 25000 Syrian refugees. That's 2.5 times as many as the US originally promised, then reneged on.
I remember a few years back when Willy was busted in Hudspeth County (pop. 3000) for having some weed on his tour bus and the DA said to reporters, who were making a fuss:  It’s not a real serious damn thing anyways.”  

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