J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Friday, November 20, 2015

GMC 5-Window, Moose Jaw

From Alex Emond: "Peter, I was cutting through Moose Jaw last month aiming south for Assiniboia and highway 13 and this old multi-windowed beauty appeared. As Chief Canadian Correspondent for SW Saskatchewan to the esteemed Autoliterate, I was duty bound to pull over and do some photo-documenting . (I know that's a rather lofty title but I remember when you were President of the Society For The Prevention of Fake Mullions)... 
      "Quite a charmer, this truck, but not what you'd call fully restored. Just something to kick around in . Notice how small it seems when compared to the new rig beside it . Anyhow, I like it and I suspect that this truck will have a long, long future. If it has made it to 2015 in this condition, I would expect that it won't be neglected because it is worth some real money no . Cheers"--AE

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