J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Maserati Gran Turismo and Italianità


Caught the car in Harvard Square, outside a real estate shop. Owner looked famous. From Rachel Donadio's New York Review of Books piece on contemporary Italy, Meloni's Cultural Revolution :"Beyond the government’s rush to fill positions, there is a battle of ideas underway about nationhood, about what it means to be Italian. Meloni and her government talk frequently about patria, or fatherland. More tellingly, the fascist-era term Italianità—Italianness—has reentered political discourse. Sangiuliano wants to develop a Museum of Italianità in the Emilia-Romagna region. When I asked him to define Italianità, he told me, rather enigmatically, that it was “that special condition unique to our people in which being accustomed to beauty creates an almost innate propensity for the well made.”
For an old truck blog, we have posted our share of Maserati, including this 1967 Maserati Ghibli

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