J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

One morning in Maine

Have been enjoying a brief spell at home, in between bouts of book-touring for my new novel The O'Briens. Today a gorgeous springtime Saturday with a stiff NW breeze blowing I'd say just about 20 knots steady: kind of cold. But when we went down to Center Harbor there were already a few boats in the water. 

Boats like this Friendship sloop (below) were rocking on their moorings. Blowing white horses out on Eggemoggin Reach

I went into town yesterday afternoon to sign books at my favorite store, Blue Hill Books.

And was happy to see The O'Briens on the list.

On Monday I hit the road for NJ, PA, NC, and Toronto. Book tour events schedule is up here.

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