J.W. Burleson photo / Boquillas del Carmen, Coah.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hey Peter, this old blue F-100 is outta luck if it thinks anybody from Frostad's Garage is going to fix it. This is Kincaid, Saskatchewan, three towns east of Ponteix, on the road to Assiniboia. You go by Aneroid, then Hazenmore, Kincaid, Woodrow, and Lafleche. Aneroid is the closest to ghosting out. Lafleche is due south of Gravelbourg, which has a French-Canadian Catholic heritage. Ponteix is semi-lively, with three or four hundred residents, a grocery store (Sculley's), a motel, a bakery/café, a Francophone radio station, a French-language elementary school, and an English high school. Takes a while to get used to the pace, but there is a pace. Still, birdsong is probably the single biggest contributor to the noise pollution problem in south Saskatchewan. ALEX

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