Friday, September 9, 2022

1978 Ford Bronco

We caught the Bronco in Lexington, Mass., but it was probably a Western truck, given the dealer sticker and the sun visor. Most of the Broncos we've posted have been from the earlier incarnation, like this 1967 Bronco in Banff and another '67 that was for sale a while back in the Springs. The original Bronco came out to compete with the I-H Scout. The current Bronco, was to have been launched by Ford July 9 2020 but a couple things got in the way, like the coronavirus, and O.J. Simpson's birthday. So it was pushed back to July 13.
What happened to O.J's Bronco ride on the 495? Find out Seems like the current version is supposed to take a piece of Jeep Wrngler's pie, boasting all kinds of faux-outdoorness to a suburban nation.

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