Thursday, September 8, 2022

1971 Pontiac Le Mans (poem)


Thanks to Eva H.D. for the Thomas Bolt poem, 
from The Paris Review, issue 109 Winter 1988

1971 Pontiac LeMans

Auto in sunlight: every trace of gloss
Is dulled a rusting green.
Even the fenders are a dirty chrome
Which blunts light like a pine log;
Still, it runs.

This is the car someone abandons
At a grassy roadside,
Like an old punt, rotten-hulled.
Sunk in river muck above the seats.
Near this realization.

It will do 90 still.
Or, filled with gasoline, will drive all night
Toward any destination;
It can kill.
This is the real world

AL: We posted the 1971 Le Mans (above) from Maine 
where we also found a 1968 Pontiac Le Mans convertible

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