Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thing of Beauty, Thing of Not: BMW i3 & International Harvester

Saw my first BMW i3, which is all electric. Reminded me of a Pontiac Aztek.  It's not nearly as beautiful as the I-H, is it? On the other hand, global warming is the issue and I'm all for alternatives to the internal combustion engine. I love old trucks, feel a bit guilty about it, and would never buy a new one. I tell myself by driving only cars &d trucks that are ancient (the Volvo is 19 years old, the trucks are 41 and 30 years old, respectively ) at least I'm recycling, and the total miles per year is pretty small, since I bike to work.
Anyway, why does the Beemer have to look so**^#@ ugly? All plasticky and toylike? I guess it's a car for people who really don't like cars.

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