Friday, February 19, 2016

The Built World, Cambridge MA

It's not all clapboard. Above is Graduate School of Art & Design, Harvard. As Brutalist goes, it's not that brutal. Kind of an appealing building though I alway think that the architects of concrete behemoths, so dazzled by the potential of the material, never sensed from their scale-modeling that the actual concrete itself would radiate drabness and grimness. This building has more élan than most of its era. Still it is so huge that I could only capture it corner by corner with the camera.
 This is part of the theatre/ Rindge Latin School complex  just down the block. RLS is the public high school in Cambridge.
 Not a great photograph since what I wanted you to see was the building, but my biophilia got away with me and you are getting the tree instead. The building is Cambridge Public Library, a lovely lighthearted neo-modernist building, hugely popular and welcoming--as a building and as an institution.
And then, up the street, that stained glass window in Memorial Hall, Harvard. The building is a memorial to Harvard men killed in the Civil War.
 And finally, back down Cambridge Street to a row of New England-vernacular three-deckahs.

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