Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Ferrari, St Louis and Francis Parkman

You don't see these in Cambridge. I think they do breed Teslas here–maybe in Kendall Square, or out on 128. But Basha caught the F-car in St Louis. 
Which is where the young Bostonian, Francis Parkman, set out from in 1846, seeking adventure on the Great Plains and determined to generate a book. He had his adventures and returned to Boston to write The Oregon Trail. ,
I imagine my native ground as more or less a rectangle with Montreal, Quebec City, Boston and Penobscot Bay at its corners. When I returned to the East after several years in California, my strategy for digging back into said native terrain meant diving deep into Parkman's France and England in North America, the 2 vol. Library of America edition, published in the 1980s. As history, it is not irreproachable; but Parkman knew his ground, and he connects history to the  maps in ways that answered my own need to locate myself again in a Québec/New England geospace.

Oh and by the way, another Ferrari note: we are watching the Ferrari Formula One team go through a wild year on season 5 of the Netflix documentary series, Formula One

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