Friday, September 2, 2022

1948 Plymouth De Luxe

From Reid Cunningham: "This made me think of the Plymouth I sent you this spring that was part of a collection in North Carolina.  This was in in Franklin, NH, at the same used-car lot as the VW Beetle.  Even at the low asking price, it's hard to see the economics of getting this on the road, given it will never be worth a lot, as a 1940's sedan.  Still, I love the clipper emblems and the earnestness of the 40's design."
AL: we posted '53 Plymouth De Luxe from Saskatchewan.
Then there's Jim Christy's poem about a '39 Plymouth.
And a Chrysler, Plymouth and Dodge of the era we saw in Maine.
Then this epic survivor, a 1940 Dodge
And BTW there is a '39 Plymouth de Luxe on the block this week at Hemmings.

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