Sunday, May 29, 2022

Pavel Romaniko: The Nostalgia Project


Untitled (Accident) 2016
archival pigment print 16x20

An excerpt from the Artist's Statement in Pavel Romaniko's The Nostalgia Project:  The project "Nostalgia" consists of large photographic prints, objects, and video projections. ...The work was started in 2008 as reflection on such historical precedents. At that time the president Putin of Russia in a push to keep power increased his pressure on the country's remaining institutes of democracy, while maintaining the appearance of pseudo democratic state. Putin's grasp on power reminded of the porosity of monolithic concepts of freedom, truth and justice in still very young democratic state. Putin Russia's ruling elite seemed longingly keen on returning to the shores of its Soviet past, systematically and meticulously encroaching onto its own peoples' freedoms and liberties...


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