Friday, January 28, 2022

Ford Taunus dans le 4iéme arrondissement


From Don Culbertson, in Paris: This was a curious find in the 4iéme arrondissement. At first I thought is was an old Peugeot. On closer inspection I thought it said Taurus which turned out to be Taunus–trying to decipher the stylized scripted writing is no easy task. I did a web search only to find that the Ford Taurus was launched only in the 1980's as an American legend for Ford. Changing the r to n brought me to the story of Ford creating this car for the German market with many generations and iterations. I've cut and pasted some material about the 1962 Taunus (below)."

AL: the Taunus hills are near Frankfurt. I spent some time there in Carry Me, my 2016 novel.

Hiking Party, Taunus, Hesse. 1925. HHB in shorts.

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