Sunday, October 3, 2021

Campers, Maine and Mr Magee


from Jonathan Welsh: I love these old trailers. You would be under pressure to find the right tow vehicle, though. Perhaps a 1970 Vista Cruiser or Country Squire. Two trends in personal transport--camping and patina--are coming together. Older travel trailers like these 1960s and '70s examples can be bargains compared with new models. Worn-in looks also give the impression that you have owned the thing forever. Authenticity. The pink Layton is my favorite by far. I think the drive to get outside and go somewhere stretches beyond the pandemic and has been gaining steam for a while. These are in Alfred, Maine.
The Ultimate Road-Trip Accommodation: A Tiny RV  is a piece I wrote for the WSJ a few years back.

AL: speaking of campers and Maine, how about Camping Spree With Mr Magee? Chris Van Dusen is a wonderful children's author and illustrator.

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