Saturday, September 25, 2021

1953 MG TD


from Greg Phillips, in the North Country: "On a picture perfect day at Clare and Carl drive-in, Plattsburgh, NY. Since the late 1940's this place has been serving up Michigan sauce adorned hotdogs and the customary sides.
"The story of the sauce and its name remain a mystery to me, but I did get some background on the MG out front. I knew I could always research Clare and Carl at a later time, however I only had this one chance to chat up the fellow in/on the MG, which I did. Notice he is sitting "on" the car while the tonneau cover provides a surface to spread out his lunch. No roll down window to hang the tray from?
I instantly smiled when the owner's first words were, "it's a 1953" which happens to be my birth year. Next revealed was the fact that this was his second MG, the first being when he was in High School. We didn't talk tech stuff except that it was underpowered with it's 50 something hp engine.
Being of similar age and both having had MGs in high school we briefly shared stories of nostalgia before enjoying a Michigan red hot on a beautiful New York day."
AL: here's a 1952 MG TD in Maine.. And another we caught in Quebec.
AL: Quand j'etais jeune a Montréal, les Michigan Hot Dogs étaient une big deal en Québec.
AL: The novel The Red Car by Don Stanford lit the MG fire in me when I read it in sixth grade. Crazily unavailable unless you're willing to part with a couple hundred. 

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