Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Stephen Shore and American surfaces.

Stephen Shore photograph from his Uncommon Places.

Below from American Suburban X website:
"Shore had experienced very little of the world outside of his native New York City. In 1982, he wrote, ‘Until I was twenty-three, I lived mostly in a few square miles in Manhattan. In 1972, I set out with a friend for Amarillo, Texas. I didn’t drive, so my first view of America was framed by the passenger’s window. It was a shock.’ Later that year, Shore set out again across America, this time alone, with an insatiable desire to capture and communicate precisely what he had seen within the frame of that window.
         "Intent on exploring both the country, and photography itself, through the eyes of an everyday tourist, Shore elected to record the trip on 35mm color film, and brought along his Rollei 35, an early precursor to the ‘point-and-shoot’ cameras of today. He entitled the project ‘American Surfaces’, literally emphasizing the superficial nature of both his brief encounters whilst on the road, and the underlying character of the images that he hoped to produce. With such an easy-to-use camera at hand, Shore photographed relentlessly. ‘In American Surfaces, I was photographing almost every meal I ate, every person I met, every waiter or waitress who served me, every bed I slept in, every toilet I used. But also, I was photographing streets I was driving through, buildings I would see. I would just pull over and say, ‘Okay, this is a picture I want.”

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