Saturday, May 4, 2019

1982 Toyota Hilux

from the poet Eva H.D., in LA:"Frankenstein truck w/ cupcake on top"

1 comment:

  1. My first pickup truck was an early 70's Hi-Lux short bed. Rusty body, automatic transmission with no reverse. I called it a Toyota No-Lux. It more or less functioned as a motorized utility trailer in many ways. For one, difficult to back up. Being younger at the time, I generally opened the door and my left leg could get a little momentum going to roll in reverse and be clear to put her in "D".

    Over time I developed a 6th sense for it's turning radius which was very tight, unlike other trucks that came later with turning radiuses of a B-747 in flight. I made u-turns like a polished politician where everyone else would just k-turn.

    Those "WTF is this guy doing" moments were all part of a No-Lux lifestyle, unhampered by no reverse.

    Greg Phillips
    Apalachicola, FL


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