Sunday, September 30, 2018

Mercury Truck & Wallace Stegner

From Alex Emond: On my drive back to Banff I passed through Eastend, Saskatchewan then swung north to Maple Creek to connect with the Trans Canada Hwy.. Saw two of my favourite things ... old trucks and antelope.
 The male pronghorn was keeping his "harem" in line , chasing down any of the females that wanted to bolt. That's the Frenchman River with the grain elevator...
 Wallace Stegner's house has a fresh coat of paint on it and looks good.(Check this post: )
The white Mercury truck was outside a shop in Maple Creek, looking really clean , almost refined . The shop, Alf's , seems to do some nice work . I doubt if it is short for "alien life form" but the Merc was out of this world.  cheers, Alex
Another Canadian Mercury up here. 

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