Monday, May 15, 2017

Les Insouciants par Peter Behrens. Editions XYZ, Montréal.

These (above) arrived this week, from Editions XYZ in Montréal. All my novels have been published in France but this is the first time there is a separate Québec edition. The title Carry Me just didn't work in French translation, so they went with Les Insouciants. In the novel, the protagonist Billy is born in a house called Sanssouci on the Isle of Wight (see photo below), named after the summer palace of Frederick the Great in Potsdam.

 Editions Philippe-Rey, Paris. Publsihed in February 2017.
 Anchor Books paperback. February 2017.

Pantheon hardcover February 2016.
House of Anansi February 2016.

Sanssouci, Shanklin I of Wight. 1910.

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