Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Pigeon Hill, Quebec (St-Armand)

"...more noteworthy was the repulsion of the Fenian (American!) Raiders at Pigeon Hill, Quebec on June 6, 1866 (in all fairness, once driven back across the border, the Raiders were promptly arrested by American forces). The Royal Guides, 40 in number, were essentially the Montreal Hunt in uniform under the command of Capt. Lorne MacDougal, a Montreal merchant, who had been Master of the hunt from 1854 to 1859. Sabres drawn, presented flat, the Royal Guides charged and beat the Fenians back, capturing 16 in the process, enduring a few wild gun shots from the Raiders, but suffering no casualties. Reports are, in fact, that there were no casualties on either side, except perhaps the after-effects of a sabre spank or two."
See also:
And, speaking of borders, my 'Commentary' piece, "Walls & Us" on National Public Radio's All Things Considered.

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