Thursday, January 12, 2017

DAF truck, The Netherlands. And Ti-Jean Kerouac's ON THE ROAD

from Guido Goluke, Dutch translator of Kerouac's On the Road. "I caught this DAF traveller truck on a very cold training run just north of Amsterdam. I have never seen a DAF model like this and suspect it is a converted army vehicle. As the plate on the back suggests, it was used to explore the North Western Territories of Canada. Seems like a cold exercise in a cab without proper windows. And protection against mosquitoes, midges and other nasties either!"

Hey, you knew Jack was  French Canadian, right? Jean-Louis Kerouac, 
"Ti-Jean", (trans. "Johnny") born in Lowell, Mass. Like most New England textile towns, Lowell had a big population of immigrants down from the rocky farms of Quebec & New Brunswick.

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