Friday, August 12, 2016

Schooner Adix

Saw Adix while Scout and I were sailing up The Reach, and by the time we came in, Adix had dropped her anchor near the mouth of Center Harbor. Steel-hulled, modeled on the 1903 schooner Atlantic, built in Mallorca in the 1980s, rigged in the UK. 
Book plug: the first couple chapters of my novel Carry Me are set in Atlantic's world of schooner racing, at Cowes Week on the Isle of Wight, summers 1910-1913. Signed first editions of the book at Betsy's Sunflower in Brooklin ME and Blue Hill Books in Blue Hill ME.
Below: my grandfather, Henry Behrens, keeping a weather eye, in the garden at Sanssouci, Shanklin, Isle of Wight 1913.

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