Monday, April 4, 2016

Donald Trump & Fear & Gun Passion (in Maine).

Mary Behrens spotted this one outside an auction house in Maine. I don't know who's more afraid--the guy who drives this truck, or the rest of us.
I think, him, probably.
Gun fetish.
I think of my uncles, infantry, WWII, at the bitter sharp edge of the war from Normandy into Germany. Hated guns. Despised them. Wouldn't have them in their houses.


  1. Makes me ashamed to drive a Tundra...but then again I don't have a Texas Tundra; mine's pre-Bush.
    Also brings to mind the scary prescience of the settings in "Carry Me"...written, and carefully researched, before the current electoral madness was even on the horizon.

  2. Makes me think of the old Beatles song... " Hey Bungallo Bill , what did you kill Bungallo Bill ? " This is the " Home of the Brave " ? Hopefully this idiot will put enough stickers on this windshield that he'll T-bone another gun loving coward .


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