Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Empty Quarter

Boise City, Oklahoma. This is Cimarron County, the end of the Oklahoma Panhandle, and ground zero of the Dust Bowl. There are some handsome buildings in Boise City, built in the 1920s, just before the collapse of the farming economy. Timothy Egan covers this ground in The Worst Hard Time. I explored this part of the southern plains doing some on the ground research for my upcoming novel, Carry Me, which is set on the Isle of Wight, Sligo town, Frankfurt, Berlin, and the Llano Estacado in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico, just SW of the Okla. Panhandle. Big sky country.  Re. Carry Me--those on-the-vine pre-release reviews at Amazon are often kinda wicked but so far we're scoring high.

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