Saturday, January 16, 2016

Dept. of Self-Promotion: geography of CARRY ME

I am uneasy about sullying the truck blog with book promotion and shall keep it to a minimum, but with CARRY ME publication date approaching in Canada (2/20) & the US (2/24) & you can probably count on a book post appearing every ten days or so over the next couple months.
The novel is set in Europe and West Texas in the dismaying period 1910-38. What's it about? Let's say War Passion Escape.
My books are very much grounded in specific places, and are a little obsessed with the whole idea of "place" so I'd thought to start book blogging with some photographs out of the CARRY ME file that link to places in the book. Some of the principle setting are Isle of Wight, London, Sligo, Frankfurt, Berlin, West Texas, and --oh yeah--Grady, New Mexico.
The period photos  are straight out of the family album, the others were taken on research trips in Europe and the West.
Now, the point of all this is to pique your interest and give the novel its fighting chance in the marketplace. If it's working,  then you will immediately click to one of these sites and pre-order your copy. Andif there's a local independant bookseller you rely on, and aim to support,--like Longfellow in Portland ME, R.J. Julia Booksellers in Madison CT, Left Bank Books in Belfast ME, The Book Den in Santa Barbara, Porter Square Books in Cambridge MA, BookCourt in Brooklyn,  the amazing Galaxy Bookshop in Hardwick VT, you can pre-order from them online through IndieBound. I think of independant bookstores as small islands of refuge from Donald Trumpism. You know you will never encounter The Donald browsing the shelves. Indie bookstores are safe, Donald-Free Zones.
Chapters Indigo (for the Canadian edition)
Barnes & Noble

And word from Publishers Weekly is that, north of the border, independant bookstores are BACK, & posting increased sales.  Here's a way to access the Indies of Canada.
Sanssouci, Shanklin, Isle of Wight c.1914
MLB, Sanssouci, Isle of Wight c. 1977
Sanssouci, c. 1914
Sligo town.
 Hiking party, Taunus Hills, Hesse. 1923
 Hiking party, Taunus Hills, Hesse. 1923

1927 S Class Mercedes

 Goethe University, Frankfurt. Formerly (1930-45) IG Farben headquarters.
Model of Frankfurt 1939
Frankfurt 1939

 Klinger School, Frankfurt. The "Wild Camp"
 Klinger Schoool, Frankfurt
Winnetou by Karl May
Frankfurt, Dom
Add caption


Charlottenburg, Berlin
Charlottenburg, Berlin

Stumbling Blocks, Charlottenburg, Berlin
Rainbow, Llano Estacado, Texas

1935 Plymouth

Llano Estacado, Texas

Llano Estacado, New Mexico

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new book, I look forward to reading it. Those are some very intriguing pictures.


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