Monday, August 10, 2015

Custom Deluxe (the restaurant, not the Chevrolet)

The cafe

Custom Deluxe, our Chevy truck, stays down in Marfa, Texas but Custom Deluxe, the restaurant, ("North Country Cuisine") has opened in Biddeford, Maine, an old textile town whose character and spunk--and astonishing, heartbreaking complex of redbrick ex-textile mills---we've always admired. Have a look at this AL post on Biddeford morphology. The town seems poised to be the Brooklyn of Portland, which is much better than being the Paterson, New Jersey of Portland, which it was for too long. I'm okay with urban renaissance so long as shopowners don't "curate" and the word "artisanal" is never, ever used.
The truck

1 comment:

  1. Or Wayne, New Jersey - nonstop shopping malls.

    Peter, let's go get a beer at Custom Deluxe!


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