Thursday, May 21, 2015

Lewis deSoto and the GMC Cahuilla

from Michael Moore, in California: "We were doing a sculpture install in Santa Rosa on Tuesday when Lewis DeSoto turned up in his 4x4 3/4 ton [nominally GMC] Cahuilla, an immaculate piece of conceptual art which also serves as his work truck.
Neither pictures, nor my words, can begin to do it [or his practice] justice.  As an aside, he is of Cahuilla ancestry, and a couple his uncles ran an auto body shop in San Bernadino, where he grew up;
…anyway, I think the link will lead you to the website showing his automotive works [he does a lot more, and varied, stuff]; check it out.  The truck was immaculate, and a trip."--MSM

1 comment:

  1. Just for your records: my name is spelled Lewis deSoto.


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