Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Winky Lewis photograph: The Jeepster & Isle au Haut.

                                                                                                                               both photographs ©Winky Lewis 2015
 Winky Lewis and Susan Conley's remarkable book project is Stop Here. This is the Place. (One Year in Motherland). Isle au Haut is out in Penobscot Bay. Sometimes when Scout's still in Bill Grant's boatshed we catch the Aisle a Ho mailboat out from Stonington just to get out on the water. Islands and islands. Casco Passage, Merchants Row. Lots of rocks. It's impossible not to see a schooner in the summer. Sailing those waters, you need to keep an eye on the chart. But everyone who sails in Maine hits rocks sooner of later. We'll probably hop the mailboat this weekend.  
There's another yellow Jeepster living over in Brooklin, on the other side of Eggemoggin Reach.

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