Monday, March 16, 2015

2 Land Rovers, Portland Maine.

 The Land Rover population is much less dense in New England than in The Netherlands, even though the Dutch have to pay astonishing road use taxes to drive an L-R. So much so that one of our Dutch friends keeps his beloved LR, bought in Africa, penned up in his yard, along with memories of Namibia. But there are plenty of Land Rovers roaming free in the NL, which isn't exactly challenging topography for four-wheeling.  There is plenty of rain, however, and most of them are equipped with snorkels. They guy who sold ice cream cones at the beach had a beautiful Defender 110: if you use them for business in NL they become more affordable tax-wise.
Check out these handmade African Land Rovers.
I caught these 2 LR's on a day that felt sorta like Spring (the terse New England version) along Commercial Street in Portland, where I'm spending my time writing a novel in a coffeeshop.

1 comment:

  1. First one looks like a British Army Rover 9 from the early 1960s. Still has the military headlights. Although part of one is missing.


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