Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Looking Up: Bath, Maine

In the depths of winter in Maine, but things are looking up. It was seven below zero (F) this morning on the drive to school; and we're due another snowfall tonight. The drifts are hard-packed and often six feet, or higher. I'm in Portland this morning, where neighborhood streets feel like tunnels. Howevah, Spring comes in, in less than four weeks from our frigid now. And Daylight Savings Time clocks in March 8. We steal back an evening hour, which counts for a lot here at the downeastern end of the time zone.
A couple of day ago walking around the city of Bath with my Dutch amigo, the translator Guido Goluke, the light was there at 5pm. Which it wasn't, a few weeks ago. Maybe the only thing to do in frigid later February is ski or snowshoe when you can, and if you can't (bad knee) ignore the snowdrifts and peer up at some of the wonderful buildings on Main Street.
And those frocks in the shop window? They just fed some color to my snowbored eye.

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