Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cranky at Curating on Campus. And a New York 50.

Now even the New York Times is "curating" its own store, according to the full page ad in yesterday's paper, where you can buy a whole passel of indulgent knick-knacks for people who clearly already have way more than they need or, quite possibly, want. That verb applied to the twee display of snazzy schmatte by storekeepers irritates me. And speaking of NYT Store, and their website, was their ever an uglier phrase than "smorgasbord of options"? I don't know why. It just is. I think--heaps of pickled herring, etc.
My other word problem this month (it's February, after all) is "campus". It all started with the earlySilicon Valley startups calling their vast overwork-stations: campuses. Working for that geekness. Pretending they were still pulling all-nighters at Stanford.
Now everything is a campus. Even the down-home local bank, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, refers to its branches as campuses.
Not even campi.
Hey, it's February.
I do love curating Autoliterate, but cool trucks and cars are scarce on the salty snowy roads of Maine these days, so if you live in a happier clime, please send us jpegs and field notes.
Summer happens. Yes it does.

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