Trucks, cars, highways, landscape, good writing. "You cannot travel on the path, before you have become the Path itself."
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Volvo 1800 ES. Alpine, Texas
Y'all know that my cousin Rob Macdougall bought himself one of these for a 60th birthday present. We caught the #P1800 coupe edition for sale cheap in Maine a couple years back. And Alan at Alan's Auto in Portland ME has a few, some for sale. This one belongs to our friend CM. Pat Rogers was delivering the car from Marfa to Alpine on a chilly sunny desert day last week, so I drove along in a Mini Cooper to ferry him back. Always great to get out on the West Texas road with Pat, who has forgotten more than I'll ever know about cars & Texas.
My "daily driver" while in Alpine for a few days last month. Handles like a go kart and plenty of room for my six-foot-plus frame!