Sunday, January 4, 2015

Volvo 1800 ES. Alpine, Texas

 Y'all know that my cousin Rob Macdougall bought himself one of these for a 60th birthday present. We caught the #P1800 coupe edition for sale cheap in Maine a couple years back. And Alan at Alan's Auto in Portland ME has a few, some for sale. This one belongs to our friend CM. Pat Rogers was delivering the car from Marfa to Alpine on a chilly sunny desert day last week, so I drove along in a Mini Cooper to ferry him back. Always great to get out on the West Texas road with Pat, who has forgotten more than I'll ever know about cars & Texas.

1 comment:

  1. My "daily driver" while in Alpine for a few days last month. Handles like a go kart and plenty of room for my six-foot-plus frame!


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