Monday, December 29, 2014

Katherine Northrop: The Field the Drive-In Was in

                                                                                                                                                     David Branch photo
The Field the Drive-in Was In 

—what are we here? The hive mind
answers hive-ily, their suggestions
make for us, make for us: brzoom, as
high-school boys, cunt-struck.

“Oh we were young, oh we banged around the world,
holding our arms out, hoping for what?”

All the while, something, my love, bore down on the boat, a power
quick and sickly, cut-throat.
But we happened,

we happened, drawing each other out,
reading newspapers, novels until the marina
swooped back into view.

Across the water, shimmering:
powerful, calming, and regular as credits—

                                                         -Katherine Northrop     
                                                                        First published in Agni 80

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