Monday, July 14, 2014

"Tammy" & the car movie genre

thanks to Colin Brown for the heads-up on this excellent article.

In Praise of Car Movies

And why 'Tammy' veers into a ditch full of hatred for the poor and heavyset.
By Dorothy Woodend, 12 Jul 2014,

"Many things happen in cars. Virginities are lost, songs are sung, conversations are had, babies are made and life is changed. Some of the greatest American movies involve people in cars going places. Think Bonnie and Clyde, Easy Rider, Vanishing Point, Wild at Heart,Badlands, and of course Thelma & Louise.

"Other than vehicular matters, what do all of these films have in common? They all involve a certain level of banditry, outlaw culture, and ultimately, escape from the ordinary world.

If you're expecting Tammy to be in this same school, you will be sadly mistaken. Despite the presence of Susan Sarandon and a car, this film feels more like the anti-Thelma & Louisemovie. But that is not its worst crime..."

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