Thursday, May 22, 2014

1975 Ford F 150 XLT; 1959 Cadillac Coupe de Ville; 1972 Ford F150 Sport Custom

from Alex Emond, in south Saskatchewan:
"I saw these Fords perched above the highway as I was leaving Swift Current ( aka Speedy Creek ). The blue one looks like it has got a little git up and go to it, if it's got a V8. Shorter wheelbase. I did not talk to anybody , regarding price ... I just pulled over and did some stealth journalism and drove off. The green machine looked to be the better machine if you wanted a yeoman workhorse . These trucks have different personalities for sure , once you get into the murky pseudo science of " projected images ". Like , Jimmy Buffet would gravitate towards the blue Ford, for sure. Humour.  The 1959 Cadillac was in the yard too ... nice 2-door , fender skirts , messed up paint."-AE

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