Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lindsey Ross, La Chambre Photographique & The Ford F100

The Funk Zone is an irritating name for a part of Santa Barbara that's been reinvented in the last few years. Old light-industrial zone now with a bunch of wine-tasting clubs, cafes, etc etc.  What I like about is that a small number of SB artists have found homes/studios for themselves in the nooks and crannies of the scene. I mentioned Philip Koplin and Virginia McCracken in an earlier post. Today I met the photographer Lindsey Ross at her studio La chamber photographique. Ross works with big format cameras, tintypes, and the 19th c. wet-plate collodion process. The woman has style and a great truck.

1 comment:

  1. the pickup truck pictured is a1972ford f100 you can tell it's a '72 by the grille


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