Thursday, January 9, 2014

Model A Pickup, Marfa

Driving into town after being away a year and a half, I was glad to see the Marfa old truck herd seemed to be thriving.  Made me want to start strategizing an old truck round-up....because old trucks are one interest that seems to span the various socio-economic-cultural divides in Marfa. Deep Local trucks, Hipster trucks, People-From-Away trucks.....I'm thinking: pick one day of the year-- let's say in February, when it's just starting to get a little warmer---and round 'em all up, say around the beautiful courthouse square. On a sleepy Saturday afternoon, maybe before the Spring Break crush.  Do some barbecue, and then have a panel of judges (off the top of my head, let's say it includes ex officio the director of the Chinati Fdn., Judge Cinderella Guevara, the Roman Catholic pastor, the QB of the Marfa HS football team, Lonn Taylor, and 1 very serious-minded truck person) and let them fight it out to select the Numero Uno Marfa Old Truck of the Year, and a runner-up. Serious Prizes. And maybe there'd also be one more category: The Truck The Donald (Judd) Himself Would Have Chosen.

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