Thursday, January 30, 2014

Bill Burleson and A John Ford Kind of Porch

Bill Burleson's New Mexico photographs knock me out. He seems to be trying to add another dimension to the flat surface of the photograph; they're all about layers and texture-- high/low, rough/smooth, foreground/background, foreshadow/flashback, now/then. See below for titles.

1. Canyon Road gallery at Christmas.
2. Dune and Blade of Grass, White Sands Nat't Monument
3. Galisteo Basin
4. Glorieta NM
5. Great Kiva, Chaco Canyon.
6. John Ford Kind of Proch
7. Plaza Gathering
8. Rio Grande Gorge, Taos
9. Rio Grande, Northern New Mexico
10. White Sands National Monument

1 comment:

  1. Bill,
    Stunning work. Precision+Vision=Beauty
    When is your book out?


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