Thursday, October 10, 2013

The October Haul on Eggemoggin Reach

Had a sleepless night Monday. Scout was on her mooring at Center Harbour, I was three hours down the coast, and the wind was gusting S/SW  at 40 knots. She rode it out. But October is a chancy time on the coast of Maine. Today was clear, warm, breeze S 5-10 knots--for a while anyway, then it died completely. I sailed, then motored, up Eggemoggin Reach to the Benjamin River and put her on a mooring just off the Sedgwick Town Landing. Stripped sails and most of the gear and Bill Grant will haul her out sometime in the next couple of days. Beautiful October light. There are plenty of good sailing days left but intense wind and weather are increasingly part of the mix, so it was time to haul. Always sad but one of the great rituals, too. Took these photos from the float at Sedgwick. Last sweet light of an October afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Remember it well but always in the fresh light of the June sun--glad to see Scout make it through another summer


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