Wednesday, October 23, 2013

the Japanese retro-car: Nissan Pao

from Alex Emond in Banff
"Banff has a fair number of right-hand drive , Japanese SUV's but I haven't seen anything this old before. Must be some sort of " collectable " status that allowed it , firstly , to survive this long in the first place , secondly , to find its way to Banff . It is quite a cool little " frugal " ride. You also see teeny tiny trucks here, imported from Japan."--AE

ed. note: The Pao was actually a retro design produced by Nissan for about six months in 1989. I wonder how this one found its way to the Canadian Rockies. One sees a lot of imported right-hand drive Japanese 4wd vans in Western Canada...check that link above.


1 comment:

  1. I have one of these, I live in London, UK, there are a few in London,
    they are cooler than a fridge full of sushi


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